1300 608 789

General Information

VicRoads will advise you when you will need to complete a program by letter.

VicRoads certificates are received after completing the second session of the Behaviour Change Program. You will receive two copies, one for your record and the other for VicRoads. Certificates have no expiry date.

More information

Minimising mishaps during your interlock program.

The aim of this article is to provide some tips about how you can avoid mishaps whilst on an interlock program.

VicRoads Relicensing

VicRoads website: www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/

Interlock Providers:

Interlock Support:

Alcohol Interlock FAQs:

AOD Counselling & Support:

Legal Advice:

AOD Training and Information:

Traffic Offenders Program – QLD:

Behaviour Change Programs

The VicRoads BCP’s aim to help you avoid drink or drug driving in future.

  • Looking at some of the reasons behind drink and drug driving
  • Strategies to avoid drink and drug driving
  • “Safer drinking” as defined by the National Health and Medical Research Council guidelines.
  • Identify and effectively change drinking behaviours, patterns, habits or adjusting your lifestyle.
  • Skills to cope through life’s challenges and identify alternative strategies